Dr. Stephen Cabral: The Relationship Between Your Mind and Your Health

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Just how strong is the relationship between your mind and your health? Did you know that inflammation is not actually the REASON for your pain, but a symptom?

In this episode of the Align Podcast, Dr. Stephen Cabral and I discuss Naturopathic & Functional Medicine and how looking for the root cause of an illness is the key to healing. Stephen mentions how in today’s Western medical practices, doctors are quick to prescribe a drug that only serves as a band-aid over the real issue and don’t look for the root problem that is causing the health issues their patients are experiencing. Examples of root causes include hormone imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, a leaky gut, unknown allergies and intolerances, and so much more.

Plus, we also discuss the relationship between the mind and the body and how important the mindset we take can impact our health and cause us to feel like a victim of our illness(es). In fact, for the longest time, Stephen himself felt like a victim to the immune disease he had during his childhood. However, we must accept these difficult challenges that we face in life and in health, as these are the opportunities that help us grow and become stronger both mentally and physically.

Stephen Cabral is a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy with post-doctoral specializations in Ayurvedic, Integrative Health and Functional Medicine. Dr. Cabral also runs one of the largest health & wellness practices in the U.S. and where he and his team have completed more than 250,000 client appointments.

Find out more about Dr. Cabral:

Website: equi.life

Instagram: @stephencabral

Podcast: The Cabral Concept

Book: The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000-Year-Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again!


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