Eben Britton: The History of Cannabis and Using It To Reach Your "Highest" Self

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Should cannabis be illegal? Is cannabis simply an escape? Does smoking it frequently makes us a “dud”? Should there be guilt and shame around using it? Or is cannabis a healing mechanism that allows you the opportunity to go deeper within yourself and become more in tune with the world around you?

 In this episode, gust Eben Britton shares the history of cannabis, the truth behind cannabis, and how we can use it with the right intentions to seek a higher perspective and return to our true self. 

Eben is a former American football offensive tackle who played six seasons in the NFL. His football career provided him with an in-depth, firsthand experience of dealing with immense pain and trauma which led him to learn and cultivate practices that allowed him to heal and restore. This is what led him to cannabis and since then he has become an expert on the topic. Cannabis has allowed him to seek hidden truths and bring him back to himself.

What we discuss:

4:30 - How Eben became a cannabis advocate 

9:00 - Why cannabis is one of the most misunderstood plants

10:00 - Cannabis history, war on drugs, it's useful effects.

20:00 - The endocannabinoid system in our bodies

23:45 - The history of weed

27:00 - Propaganda and demonizing cannabis, why hemp farming was shut down, and the underworld that was created. 

35:00 - Cannabis mythology

41:00 - My experience with cannabis vs. alcohol 

43:00 - How cannabis is a mirror showing you a reflection of yourself

46:00 - Why cannabis isn’t always an escape

48:00 - How cannabis associates you with what’s truly real 

55:00 - The Bible as a psychedelic experience

57:00 - Cannabis as the first step into plant medicine

1:01:00 - How and why Eben started with cannabis  


Find more from Eben: 

Instagram: @edsbritton

Website: ebenbritton.com

Podcast: The Eben Flow


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